we are the 291st combat engineer battalion. We are known as the bastrd battalion> We are the best engineers in Europe. We will not quit. we are faithful and loyal to our mates our country. We will stop tyranny at all prices. Go out their and make America proud We will win! ranking; one commander, 2 excutives 3 third in commands 4 fourth in commands and so on. there can be an unlimited number of quartermasters, junior officers, privates, recruits, and reservists. Must be active, if missing 2 weeks without telling me,one warning, two warnings and u get the boot. I will post weekly. Be kind and loyal. Bravery, kindness, and loyalty will get promoted as will helping the clan out, organizing evets and so on.
[291ST] The fighting engineers
Damn those engineers!
Členové klanu
# | Jméno hráče | 30D WN8 | 30D Battles | WN8 | Vítězství | Bitev | Poslední bitva | Pozice | Přijat | ||
1 | BigBlueWreckingCrew_ | 0,00 | 0 | 2324,77 | 52,27% | 44 | Velitel | ||||
2 | C0BR4V3N0M | 0,00 | 0 | 893,71 | 48,67% | 4173 | Výkonný důstojník | ||||
3 | Tron__Of__Borg | 971,64 | 293 | 881,72 | 49,82% | 21678 | Posádkový důstojník | ||||
4 | JasonSuitor | 805,21 | 36 | 774,82 | 48,60% | 56695 | Posádkový důstojník | ||||
5 | kokowheelman | 0,00 | 0 | 755,78 | 50,64% | 1327 | Rekrut | ||||
6 | loren_uwu | 0,00 | 0 | 555,43 | 35,36% | 280 | Rekrut | ||||
7 | _REALISM_ | 0,00 | 0 | 233,24 | 46,17% | 2701 | Výkonný důstojník | ||||
8 | ralphsuitor | 0,00 | 0 | 163,80 | 45,23% | 4203 | Rekrut |
Statistiky šarvátek
# | Jméno hráče | 7D Battles | 30D Battles |
1 | JasonSuitor | 0 | 0 |
2 | C0BR4V3N0M | 0 | 0 |
3 | Tron__Of__Borg | 0 | 0 |
4 | _REALISM_ | 0 | 0 |
5 | ralphsuitor | 0 | 0 |
6 | kokowheelman | 0 | 0 |
7 | loren_uwu | 0 | 0 |
8 | BigBlueWreckingCrew_ | 0 | 0 |