We are casual players with a high focus on fun over ratings/numbers. We require certain behaviors from our members. If a member fails to abide by the rules, the command team will talk to that member and the player will be reminded of the rules and given a warning. Should the member continue in behaviors not acceptable by the clan, they may be banned by the command team. We want our members to have fun and enjoy the game. We cannot control what other players do in games, but we want our clan members to be known as always fair in play.
The rules are as follows:
1. Play Fair Always
2. No foul/bad language
3. No arguing with team-mates or name calling
4. No interference with team-mates: Don't block someone in so they can't move. No ramming, no pushing their tank, unless they ask for help, no spamming the map with directions, no shooting team-mates, etc....
5. Be more courteous than the other players on the team may be to you.
Remember this is a game, have fun!