We're the first clan in da game to roll the Pirate Rabbit Skull and Cross Bones, now everyone wants to be like us. Slim Shady is us!
We are the only Legendary Black Beasts of Aaaaaggggghhhhh!
We are the RABID ARMORED BUNNIES IN TANKS. We are a social clan of RABID BUNNIES called RABIT. We decimate our enemies on steel tracks and with carrots in paw, it's just how we roll. We were born lucky with our steel rabbit feet and hop over your dead bodies to victory! If you want to join us then hop to it and grab your carrots. We we're born as a spin-off of The Holy Grail.
By joining you receive:
Solo carry tips each week to improve your game
Lots of carrots
While we don't platoon a whole lot, we like to teach people how to carry and solo battles
7 Minute ABS workout video, you get an extra minute free if not satisfied
-All of our members have asked to be here.
It's just a game not a job
Bring carrots to every battle, no exceptions
Just be nice to clan people