Suntem un grup de oameni carora le place sa joace WOT.It's not obligatory to be romanian. Ne bazam unul pe altul si castigam impreuna! Desi nu ne place, trebuie sa punem cateva cerinte:
-minim lvl 5 pentru a intra in clan(orice in afara de artilerie)
-jucati serios si sa respectati cerintele conducatorilor
-intrarea cat mai rapida pe Global Map
-sa fim cat mai multi in clan
We are a group of people who like playing WOT. Although we don't like it, we have some requests:
-you must have at least lvl 5 to enter the clan(anything but arty)
-play seriously and respect each other
-have fun!
-to enter the Global Map as fast as we can
-to reach the maximum number of members.