MAFO, MAxus71 and FOxman01 two comrades are the founders off this clan which has established itself on World of Tanks. We are recruiting tankers to participate in platoons, tank companies, Teambattles, strongholds and with options to do clanwars.
Also we have a division on the NA server Python armored Division (-PaD-)and on the Asian server The Ninja Chickens you can join us there also.
Speak Nederlands en of English
16+ years old
Tier 6 tanks minimum
TeamSpeak voice coms
We do platoon/team battles with our comrades in gaining experience, performing better as a team, and, frankly, just to have fun!
We are a family-centered group of people who enjoy tanking . We never shy away a new member and welcome everyone to be part of our family.
If you want to get to know us before becoming a member, hop onto our TeamSpeak Server and ask any questions or feel free to jump into a platoon and join in the fun!
Teamspeak Channel: