Looking for active players that want to help build a UK clan. Entirely casual at the moment, use in game chat to platoon for grinds or ToD missions.
No boosters until the clan has reached level 8 at least (apart from the occasional freebie that we get when levels are increased).
Requirements are to have an overall win rate of 49% at least, we're looking for players that prefer to win.
You will be expected to be active and earn at least 1500 resources for the clan every 28 days which is very easily done either by playing solo or by platooning occasionally.
In the spirit of "Gittin Gudder", if you have played less than 2500 games but have yet to hit the 49% win rate requirement, send an application and you'll be accepted with the proviso that you hit the 49% by the time you reach 4000 games played.
Come join us.